Spiritual Warfare: Guard Your Heart & Joy + Strategy

God brought this video of mine to mind a few months ago— I want to say in September or October—as a warning that I should not lean unto my own understanding, especially as we round out the year. He wanted me to return to the habit of asking Him about everything, especially if the feeling or situation looked familiar. Why?

Human beings tend to respond in the same or similar way when a situation or event looks or feels familiar. We think, “oh I’ve seen this before. I’ve been here before. I know what to do.” God was saying to me however, “Not so! Ask me what’s happening behind the scenes and the strategy to deal with it.”

Naturally, I forgot—another annoying human trait—but He mercifully reminded me again on two separate occasions. We are to guard our hearts. We are not to automatically assume that what we’re thinking, feeling or experiencing is coming from within us.

His warning couldn’t have come at a better time because lately I’ve been finding myself catching an attitude with God. (Even that phrase is a revelation if you think about it. Can you “catch” something you already possess? If not, where is it coming from then?)

I am talking about spiritual warfare, in case it wasn’t obvious. 🙂 I believe that Satan uses these ember months to initiate a warfare strategy I call “death by a thousand cuts.” Satan wants to weary you. He wants to make you feel blah and unmotivated. He wants to make you feel negative about God, people, life and yourself. He wants to steal your productivity, peace, joy and forward movement and I’m here to warn you.

Back to my stank attitude.

God used those two pieces of content to minister to me that my attitude was not coming from me. Read that back again. It is possible to feel angry, sad, hurt, anxious, depressed and none of it is actually coming from you. For example, one of the warfare strategies Satan used against me heavily in 2020 was fatigue. I would be in the middle of my workday and suddenly, I would desperately need a nap. The Holy Spirit would strongly caution against it, telling me instead to pray. Every time I prayed as I was commanded, guess what disappeared, sometimes within seconds? Yup, that spirit of slumber would leave.

I know I keep repeating myself but I am simply sharing what I know is happening. No longer assume that anything you think, feel or experience is real—not in these months and not in the years to come. Ask God about it ALL. As some of my favorite teachers have stated, Satan is a master of the flesh realm and can mimic ANY human emotion. ANY. It is not always you. It is not always you. It is not always you.

Ask God to identify why you feel what you feel and ask for strategy.

Stay strong and remember, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

11/22/2021 Edit
I’m editing this to add that a weapon that is being highlighted to me over and over again is the weapon of joy. This will help combat the weariness of warfare. In my short experience as a Christian, joy has come in 3 ways:

1. Through thought. You can think your way into joy. Per Derek Prince, you say it (the word) until you think it.
2. By being in the presence of God. “In thy presence is fullness of joy” Psalm 16:11. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:11. This really works.
3. Through worship (the easiest way IMO). Worship also attracts His presence. Here’s a song that has been making me joyful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwj2Krjdup8&ab_channel=joepraizemusic

All of the above is always helped by caring for the physical body, talking to people who can speak life into you and of course prayer.

Now, to do all the things consistently… 🙂

Take care friends and don’t let Satan win. <3


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