Conservative ≠ Christian + A Question

I remember watching a controversial and conservative female pundit some time last year. She’d never captured my attention in any real way before but that day, the Youtube algorithm was doing its thing and I clicked on a video. As I listened, I found myself nodding in neutral agreement.

But then the Holy Spirit interjected powerfully.

I cannot recall exactly how He said what He said but it entered into my spirit like this:

1. For all her conservatism, have you ever heard her talk about Jesus?
2. Moving forward, don’t be tempted to agree with anyone’s rhetoric until you find out how they think of Jesus.

I was stunned.

Obviously, it takes time and discernment from the Holy Spirt to properly examine someone’s fruit but this advice was a baseline for guarding against error. With all the misinformation and opinions swirling around today, we’re far more gullible, vulnerable and programmable that we realize.

I don’t know why this memory came up today but I’m sharing…

Maybe you’re someone who has a habit of looking for confirmation bias. Maybe you like finding personalities who express your innermost thoughts with aplomb and great feeling. Maybe you’re too afraid to voice your own opinion without an online echo chamber backing you up. Maybe scrolling through faith-based social media has become part of your daily routine. Or maybe, you just really love watching the news. Whatever your thing is, let a visible and verbal stand (tried and tested fruit) for Jesus be the measuring stick for anyone accessing your eyes and ears.

PS: A word for people whose closest/best friends are non-believers:
– What exactly are you gaining from this friendship? How are they sharpening you? Are you still believing that your influence will win or is winning them to Christ? If the Bible says that two cannot walk together unless they agree, who has agreed with whom in your friendship? How much of the offensive Bible truth have you shared and how did your friendship fare afterwards? Or do you just avoid the messy and uncomfortable bits? And if you’re avoiding the messy and uncomfortable bits for the sake of peace, is that really a close friendship?
– What godly advice can a non-believer share with you? No seriously. Have you ever had the pleasure of speaking with someone who actually walks with God? Has God ever ministered to your need through such a person? Why then would you desire anything less? Why would you spend hours sharing your entire heart and seeking counsel from someone who, for all intents and purposes, is serving the devil, whether or not they believe it? You are aware that there are only two sides right? What value is earthly wisdom when your inner circle can be full of Spirit-led people who have access to the higher wisdom of God?
– I’m not telling you to dump your friend; I’m asking you to examine why your inner circle includes non-believers. How can you, as a child of God, walk closely with someone who doesn’t love Him but yet you claim to?


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